1) Get copies of your credit report — then make sure the information is correct. Go to the Annual Credit Report web site. This is the only authorized online source for a free credit report. Under federal law, you can get a free report from each of the three national credit reporting companies every 12… Continue reading 5 Tips for Improving Your Credit Score
As a consumer you’ve learned the importance of establishing a good credit rating with your lenders. Whether you are shopping for a new home or auto, or searching for the best deals on insurance, your credit worthiness will be judged by your credit rating or credit score. A bad credit history or bad credit habits… Continue reading 4 Steps to Creating Good Credit
Many people are aware of the important role the credit rating plays in their lives. However, understanding what actually goes into a credit score (the credit score breakdown) might present a bit more difficult. There are several different methods of scoring, but most lenders and banks rely on the FICO method that has been in… Continue reading Basics Of The Credit Score Breakdown